bayesnec standard ggplot2 plotting method.

# S3 method for bayesmanecfit
  nec = TRUE,
  ecx = FALSE,
  force_x = FALSE,
  xform = NA,
  all_models = FALSE,
  plot = TRUE,
  ask = TRUE,
  newpage = TRUE,
  multi_facet = TRUE



An object of class bayesmanecfit as returned by function bnec.


Additional arguments to be passed to ggbnec_data.


Should NEC values be added to the plot? Defaults to TRUE.


Should ECx values be added to the plot? Defaults to FALSE.


A logical value indicating if the argument xform should be forced on the predictor values. This is useful when the user transforms the predictor beforehand (e.g. when using a non-standard base function).


A function to apply to the returned estimated concentration values.


Should all individual models be plotted separately\ (defaults to FALSE) or should model averaged predictions be plotted instead?


Should output ggplot output be plotted? Only relevant if all = TRUE and multi_facet = FALSE.


Indicates if the user is prompted before a new page is plotted. Only relevant if plot = TRUE and multi_facet = FALSE.


Indicates if the first set of plots should be plotted to a new page. Only relevant if plot = TRUE and multi_facet = FALSE.


Should all plots be plotted in one single panel via facets? Defaults to TRUE.


A ggplot object.

See also

Other autoplot methods: autoplot.bayesnecfit()


# \donttest{
options(mc.cores = 2)

necs <- bnec(y ~ crf(x, c("nec3param", "nec4param")), data = nec_data,
             iter = 2e2, family = Beta(link = "identity"))
#> Finding initial values which allow the response to be fitted using a nec3param model and a beta distribution.
#> Compiling Stan program...
#> Start sampling
#> Warning: Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
#> Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
#> Warning: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
#> Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
#> Response variable modelled as a nec3param model using a beta distribution.
#> Finding initial values which allow the response to be fitted using a nec4param model and a beta distribution.
#> Compiling Stan program...
#> Start sampling
#> Warning: There were 25 transitions after warmup that exceeded the maximum treedepth. Increase max_treedepth above 10. See
#> Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
#> Warning: The largest R-hat is 1.94, indicating chains have not mixed.
#> Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
#> Warning: Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
#> Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
#> Warning: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
#> Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
#> Response variable modelled as a nec4param model using a beta distribution.
#> Fitted models are: nec3param nec4param
#> Warning: Found 1 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'nec3param'. It is recommended to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for problematic observations. 
#> Warning: 
#> 3 (3.0%) p_waic estimates greater than 0.4. We recommend trying loo instead.
#> Warning: Found 5 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'nec4param'. It is recommended to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for problematic observations. 
#> Warning: 
#> 16 (16.0%) p_waic estimates greater than 0.4. We recommend trying loo instead.
nec3param <- pull_out(necs, "nec3param")
#> Pulling out model(s): nec3param

autoplot(nec3param, nec = FALSE)

autoplot(nec3param, ecx = TRUE, ecx_val = 50)

# plot model averaged predictions

# plot all panels together
autoplot(necs, ecx = TRUE, ecx_val = 50, all_models = TRUE)

# plots multiple models, one at a time, with interactive prompt
autoplot(necs, ecx = TRUE, ecx_val = 50, all_models = TRUE,
         multi_facet = FALSE)

# }