Generates posterior predictions for objects fitted by bnec. object should be of class bayesnecfit or bayesmanecfit.

# S3 method for bayesnecfit
posterior_predict(object, ...)

# S3 method for bayesmanecfit
posterior_predict(object, ...)



An object of class bayesnecfit or bayesmanecfit.


Additional arguments to posterior_predict.


if (FALSE) {
# Uses default `resolution` and `x_range` to generate `newdata` internally
# Provide user-specified `newdata`
nd_ <- data.frame(x = seq(0, 3, length.out = 200))
ppreds <- posterior_predict(manec_example, ecx_val = 50, newdata = nd_,
                            make_newdata = FALSE)
ncol(ppreds) == 200 # cols are x, rows are iterations
# Posterior predictions for raw input data
nec4param <- pull_out(manec_example, model = "nec4param")
preds <- posterior_predict(nec4param, make_newdata = FALSE)
x <- pull_brmsfit(nec4param)$data$x
plot(sort(x), preds[1, order(x)], type = "l", col = alpha("black", 0.1),
     ylim = c(-8, 5))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(preds))[-1]) {
  lines(sort(x), preds[i, order(x)], type = "l", col = alpha("black", 0.1))