Multiple models fitted with the bayesnec package are summarised as a manecsummary object, which contains the name of the non-linear models fitted, the family distribution used to fit all the models, the total post-warm-up sample size, a table containing the model weights, the method to calculate the weights, whether this model is an ECx-type model (see details below), and the ECx summary values should the user decide to calculate them.


See methods(class = "manecsummary") for an overview of available methods.



A character string indicating the name of the fitted non-linear models.


A list indicating the family distribution and link function used to fit all the models.


The total post-warm-up sample size.


A table containing the model weights.


The method to calculate the weights.


A logical indicating which models are ECx-type models.


The model-averaged NEC values. Note that if model stack contains ECx-type models, these will be via NSEC proxies.


A list containing the ECx values should the user decide to calculate them (see the non-exported bayesnec:::summary.bayesnecfit help file for details). Different from the single-model case of class bayesnecfit, these ECx estimates will be based on the model weights.


A table containing the Bayesian R2 for all models, as calculated by bayes_R2.


A list detailing whether each fitted model exhibited convergence issues based on the Rhat evaluation.


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