Access eReefs data

Programmatic server access

Learn how to extract eReefs data from the AIMS server for multiple dates and points with OPeNDAP in .

This tutorial builds on the techniques introduced in Access eReefs data: Basic server access .

In this tutorial we will look at how to get eReefs data from the AIMS server corresponding to the logged locations of tagged marine animals. Keep in mind, however, that the same methodology can be applied in any situation where we wish to extract eReefs data for a range of points with different dates of interest for each point.

R packages

library(RNetCDF) # to access server data files via OPeNDAP
library(readr) # to efficiently read in data
library(janitor) # to create consistent, 'clean' variable names
library(tidyverse) # for data manipulation and plotting with ggplot2
library(lubridate) # for working with date and time variables 
library(leaflet) # to create an interactive map of the tracking locations
library(knitr); library(kableExtra) # for better table printing

Motivating problem

The tracking of marine animals is commonly used by researchers to gain insights into the distribution, biology, behaviour and ecology of different species. However, knowing where an animal was at a certain point in time is only one piece of the puzzle. To start to understand why an animal was where it was, we usually require information on things like: What type of habitat is present at the location? What were the environmental conditions like at the time? What other lifeforms were present at the tracked location (e.g. for food or mating)?

In this tutorial we will pretend that we have tracking data for Loggerhead Sea Turtles and wish to get eReefs data corresponding to the tracked points (in time and space) to understand more about the likely environmental conditions experienced by our turtles.

Marine animals are typically tracked using either acoustic or satellite tags. These tags are attached to the animals and transmit signals back to recievers, logging the animal’s location at different points in time. In some cases other data such as depth, temperature, and animal movement profiles are recorded and the data transmitted to the recievers whenever possible.

Acoustic tracking requires a network of recievers to be placed in the ocean in order to pick up the tags’ transmitted signals when they come within range (typically around 500 m). Acoustic tracking has the advantage of being able transmit and recieve signals underwater, however is limited by the coverage of the reciever network. In some instances, researchers do without the reciever network and follow the animals around in a boat to receive the data. The suitability of acoustic tracking depends on the study species and research question.

Satellite tracking, on the other hand, is able to track animals over virtually the entire ocean as the tags transmit signals to a network of satellites orbiting the earth. However, unlike acoustic tags, the signals cannot be transmitted through water and the tagged animals must breach the ocean surface in order to have their location logged and any other recorded data be received. The accuracy of the logged location depends on the quality of the transmitted signal. For high-quality signals, the location uncertainty can be in the hundreds of metres, however for bad quality signals this can blow out to over 10 km.

Example tracking data

We will use satellite tracking data for Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) provided in Strydom (2022). This data contains tracking detections which span the length of the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Queensland Australia from December 2021 to April 2022 (shown in Figure 1).

This dataset is a summarized representation of the tracking locations per 1-degree cell. This implies a coordinate uncertainty of roughly 110 km. This level of uncertainty renders the data virtually useless for most practical applications, though it will suffice for the purposes of this tutorial. Records which are landbased as a result of the uncertainty have been removed and from here on in we will just pretend that the coordinates are accurate.

# Read in data
loggerhead_data <- read_csv("data/Loggerhead_Sea_Turtle_satellite_tracking_detections__Strydom_2022_DOI10-15468-k4s6ap.csv") |> 
  clean_names() |> # clean up variable names
  rename( # rename variables for easier use
    record_id = gbif_id,
    latitude = decimal_latitude, 
    longitude = decimal_longitude, 
    date_time = event_date

# Remove land based records (as a result of coordinate uncertainty)
land_based_records <- c(4022992331, 4022992326, 4022992312, 4022992315, 4022992322, 4022992306)
loggerhead_data <- loggerhead_data |> 
  dplyr::filter(!(record_id %in% land_based_records))

# Select the variables relevant to this tutorial
loggerhead_data <- loggerhead_data |> 
  select(longitude, latitude, date_time, record_id, species)

# View the tracking locations on an interactive map
loggerhead_data |> 
  leaflet() |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addMarkers(label = ~date_time)
Figure 1: Loggerhead Sea Turtle satellite tracking records (December 2021 - April 2022)

Extracting data from the server

We will extend the basic methods introduced in the preceeding tutorial Accessing eReefs data from the AIMS server to extract data for a set of points and dates.

We will extract the eReefs daily mean temperature (temp), salinity (salt), and east- and northward current velocities (u and v) corresponding to the coordinates and dates for the tracking detections shown in Table 1.

Show code to produce table
# Print table of tracking detections (Strydom, 2022)
loggerhead_data |> 
  arrange(date_time) |> 
  mutate(date = format(date_time, "%Y-%m-%d"), time = format(date_time, "%H:%M")) |>
  select(date, time, longitude, latitude) |> 
  kable() |> kable_styling() |> scroll_box(height = "300px", fixed_thead = TRUE)
Table 1: Loggerhead Sea Turtle detections (Strydom, 2022)
date time longitude latitude
2021-12-21 17:57 152.5 -24.5
2022-01-02 21:49 153.5 -25.5
2022-01-05 07:33 152.5 -23.5
2022-01-06 05:03 151.5 -23.5
2022-01-09 20:25 151.5 -22.5
2022-01-13 06:28 151.5 -21.5
2022-01-14 18:26 150.5 -21.5
2022-01-17 17:06 150.5 -20.5
2022-01-19 17:44 149.5 -20.5
2022-01-21 07:22 149.5 -19.5
2022-01-23 07:02 148.5 -19.5
2022-01-27 17:00 147.5 -18.5
2022-01-30 17:02 146.5 -18.5
2022-02-02 09:14 146.5 -17.5
2022-02-03 21:37 153.5 -24.5
2022-02-06 18:25 146.5 -16.5
2022-02-07 07:15 145.5 -16.5
2022-02-09 18:33 145.5 -15.5
2022-02-12 08:59 153.5 -26.5
2022-02-12 10:34 145.5 -14.5
2022-03-25 07:10 144.5 -13.5
2022-04-01 18:41 143.5 -12.5
2022-04-09 22:00 143.5 -11.5
2022-04-14 06:31 143.5 -10.5
2022-04-21 10:30 143.5 -9.5

We will take advantage of the consistent file naming on the server to extract the data of interest programatically. We will first need to copy the OPeNDAP data link for one of the files within the correct model and aggregation folders and then replace the date.

Selecting a random date within the daily aggregated data with one data file per day (daily-daily) for the 1km hydro model (gbr1_2.0), we see the files have the naming format:

We will now write a script which extracts the data for the dates and coordinates in Table 1. For each unique date we will open the corresponding file on the server and extract the daily mean temperature, salinity, northward and southward current velocities for each set of coordinates corresponding to the date.

t_start = Sys.time() # to track run time of extraction

## 1. Setup variables for data extraction
# Server file name = <file_prefix><date (yyyy-mm-dd)><file_suffix>
file_prefix <- ""
file_suffix <- ".nc"

# Table of dates and coordinates for which to extract data (dates as character string)
detections <- loggerhead_data |> 
  mutate(date = as.character(as_date(date_time))) |>
  select(date, longitude, latitude) |> 

extracted_data <- data.frame() # to save the extracted data
dates <- unique(detections$date) # unique dates for which to open server files

## 2. For each date of interest, open a connection to the corresponding data file on the server
for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
  date_i <- dates[i]
  # Open file
  file_name_i <- paste0(file_prefix, date_i, file_suffix)
  server_file_i <-

  # Coordinates for which to extract data for the current date
  coordinates_i <- detections |> dplyr::filter(date == date_i)

  # Get all coordinates in the open file (each representing the center-point of the corresponding grid cell)
  server_lons_i <-, "longitude")
  server_lats_i <-, "latitude")

  ## 3. For each coordinate (lon, lat) for the current date, get the data for the closest grid cell (1km^2) from the open server file
  for (j in 1:nrow(coordinates_i)) {
    # Current coordinate of interest
    lon_j <- coordinates_i[j,]$longitude
    lat_j <- coordinates_i[j,]$latitude
    # Find the index of the grid cell containing our coordinate of interest (i.e. the center-point closest to our point of interest)
    lon_index <- which.min(abs(server_lons_i - lon_j))
    lat_index <- which.min(abs(server_lats_i - lat_j))

    # Setup start vector arguments for (same for temp, salt, currents u & v)
    # Recall the order of the dimensions (longitude, latitude, k, time) from the previous tutorial. Therefore we want [lon_index, lat_index, k = 16 corresponding to a depth of 0.5m, time = 1 (as we're using the daily files this is the only option)]. If you are still confused go back to the previous tutorial or have a look at the structure of one of the server files by uncommenting the following 5 lines of code:
    # not_yet_run = TRUE  # used so the following lines are only run once
    # if (not_yet_run) { 
    #   not_yet_run = FALSE
    # }
    start_j <- c(lon_index, lat_index, 16, 1) # k = 16 corresponds to depth = 0.5m
    count_j <- c(1, 1, 1, 1) # only extracting a single value for each variable

    # Get the data for the grid cell containing our point of interest
    temp_j <-, "temp", start_j, count_j)
    salt_j <-, "salt", start_j, count_j)
    u_j <-, "u", start_j, count_j)
    v_j <-, "v", start_j, count_j)
    extracted_data_j <- data.frame(date_i, lon_j, lat_j, temp_j, salt_j, u_j, v_j)

    ## 4. Save data in memory and repeat for next date-coordinate pair
    extracted_data <- rbind(extracted_data, extracted_data_j)
  # Close connection to open server file and move to the next date

# Calculate the run time of the extraction
t_stop <- Sys.time()
extract_time <- t_stop - t_start

# Rename the extracted data columns
colnames(extracted_data) <- c("date", "lon", "lat", "temp", "salt", "u", "v")

In the code above we match the closest eReefs model grid cell to each point in our list of coordinates (i.e. for each tracking detection). This will therefore match grid cells to all the coordinates, even if they are not within the eReefs model boundary. This behaviour may be useful when we have points right along the coastline as the eReefs models have small gaps at many points along the coast (see image below). However, in other cases this behaviour may not be desirable. For example, if we had points down near Sydney they would be matched to the closest eReefs grid cells (somewhere up near Brisbane) and the extracted data would be erroneous.

Our extracted data is shown below in Table 2. To get this data we openned 24 files on the server (corresponding to unique dates in Table 1) and extracted data for 25 unique date-coordinate pairs. On our machine this took 1.1 mins to run.

# Print the extracted data
extracted_data |> kable() |> kable_styling() |> scroll_box(height = "300px", fixed_thead = TRUE)
Table 2: Extracted daily mean temperature, salinity, and east- and northward current velocities (u, v respectively) for Loggerhead Sea Turtle detections (Strydom, 2022)
date lon lat temp salt u v
2022-01-17 150.5 -20.5 29.39174 35.33709 -0.0659649 -0.1778789
2022-01-02 153.5 -25.5 26.00014 35.29583 -0.0353987 0.0375804
2021-12-21 152.5 -24.5 28.09089 35.25638 0.0713334 -0.0199901
2022-01-27 147.5 -18.5 29.46284 33.98060 0.2652802 0.0044857
2022-02-12 145.5 -14.5 29.89639 34.71634 -0.0812021 0.0344770
2022-02-12 153.5 -26.5 26.79947 35.38062 -0.1235716 0.0057869
2022-01-23 148.5 -19.5 28.98567 35.26142 -0.1370672 -0.0219267
2022-04-14 143.5 -10.5 29.47597 34.41768 -0.0409690 0.0776469
2022-01-19 149.5 -20.5 29.91821 35.47683 0.0181383 -0.1044010
2022-01-09 151.5 -22.5 29.24492 35.33996 0.0007144 -0.1032533
2022-01-14 150.5 -21.5 28.98728 35.40287 -0.0638922 -0.0470999
2022-04-09 143.5 -11.5 29.93064 34.55591 -0.0967079 0.1442562
2022-01-21 149.5 -19.5 29.57756 35.11963 -0.1611882 -0.0347497
2022-01-30 146.5 -18.5 30.14936 34.59603 -0.1835063 0.1426468
2022-02-03 153.5 -24.5 27.06327 35.32142 0.5498420 -0.7972959
2022-02-09 145.5 -15.5 29.54386 34.74210 -0.1198241 0.0636992
2022-02-07 145.5 -16.5 30.37080 34.06056 -0.1037723 0.2000399
2022-03-25 144.5 -13.5 29.04090 34.75312 -0.4569216 0.3603792
2022-01-13 151.5 -21.5 28.41784 35.25340 -0.0951453 0.0155211
2022-04-01 143.5 -12.5 30.14290 34.44403 0.0250692 -0.0175750
2022-04-21 143.5 -9.5 29.56355 34.19133 0.0587259 0.0340937
2022-01-05 152.5 -23.5 25.64322 35.22873 0.0303043 0.0149218
2022-02-06 146.5 -16.5 29.13773 34.69858 -0.1224007 -0.1002772
2022-01-06 151.5 -23.5 28.12745 35.40966 -0.0329330 0.0152895
2022-02-02 146.5 -17.5 30.58525 34.71669 0.1280997 -0.0543357

Matching extracted data to tracking data

We will match up the eReefs data with our tracking detections by combining the two datasets based on common date, longitude and latitude values.

# Ensure common variables date, lon and lat between the two datasets
extracted_data <- extracted_data |> 
  rename(longitude = lon, latitude = lat)
loggerhead_data <- loggerhead_data |> 
  mutate(date = as_date(date_time))

# Merge the two datasets based on common date, lon and lat values
combined_data <- merge(
  loggerhead_data, extracted_data, 
  by = c("date", "longitude", "latitude")
) |> select(-date)

# Print the combined data
combined_data |> kable() |> kable_styling() |>  scroll_box(height = "300px", fixed_thead = TRUE)
Table 3: Loggerhead Sea Turtle tracking detections (Strydom, 2022) and corresponding eReefs daily mean temperature, salinity, east- and northward current velocities (u, v respectively).
longitude latitude date_time record_id species temp salt u v
152.5 -24.5 2021-12-21 17:57:22 4022992328 Caretta caretta 28.09089 35.25638 0.0713334 -0.0199901
153.5 -25.5 2022-01-02 21:49:55 4022992329 Caretta caretta 26.00014 35.29583 -0.0353987 0.0375804
152.5 -23.5 2022-01-05 07:33:53 4022992304 Caretta caretta 25.64322 35.22873 0.0303043 0.0149218
151.5 -23.5 2022-01-06 05:03:23 4022992302 Caretta caretta 28.12745 35.40966 -0.0329330 0.0152895
151.5 -22.5 2022-01-09 20:25:01 4022992319 Caretta caretta 29.24492 35.33996 0.0007144 -0.1032533
151.5 -21.5 2022-01-13 06:28:09 4022992308 Caretta caretta 28.41784 35.25340 -0.0951453 0.0155211
150.5 -21.5 2022-01-14 18:26:17 4022992318 Caretta caretta 28.98728 35.40287 -0.0638922 -0.0470999
150.5 -20.5 2022-01-17 17:06:32 4022992330 Caretta caretta 29.39174 35.33709 -0.0659649 -0.1778789
149.5 -20.5 2022-01-19 17:44:38 4022992320 Caretta caretta 29.91821 35.47683 0.0181383 -0.1044010
149.5 -19.5 2022-01-21 07:22:08 4022992316 Caretta caretta 29.57756 35.11963 -0.1611882 -0.0347497
148.5 -19.5 2022-01-23 07:02:18 4022992323 Caretta caretta 28.98567 35.26142 -0.1370672 -0.0219267
147.5 -18.5 2022-01-27 17:00:04 4022992327 Caretta caretta 29.46284 33.98060 0.2652802 0.0044857
146.5 -18.5 2022-01-30 17:02:42 4022992314 Caretta caretta 30.14936 34.59603 -0.1835063 0.1426468
146.5 -17.5 2022-02-02 09:14:56 4022992301 Caretta caretta 30.58525 34.71669 0.1280997 -0.0543357
153.5 -24.5 2022-02-03 21:37:56 4022992313 Caretta caretta 27.06327 35.32142 0.5498420 -0.7972959
146.5 -16.5 2022-02-06 18:25:38 4022992303 Caretta caretta 29.13773 34.69858 -0.1224007 -0.1002772
145.5 -16.5 2022-02-07 07:15:30 4022992310 Caretta caretta 30.37080 34.06056 -0.1037723 0.2000399
145.5 -15.5 2022-02-09 18:33:03 4022992311 Caretta caretta 29.54386 34.74210 -0.1198241 0.0636992
145.5 -14.5 2022-02-12 10:34:12 4022992325 Caretta caretta 29.89639 34.71634 -0.0812021 0.0344770
153.5 -26.5 2022-02-12 08:59:01 4022992324 Caretta caretta 26.79947 35.38062 -0.1235716 0.0057869
144.5 -13.5 2022-03-25 07:10:49 4022992309 Caretta caretta 29.04090 34.75312 -0.4569216 0.3603792
143.5 -12.5 2022-04-01 18:41:42 4022992307 Caretta caretta 30.14290 34.44403 0.0250692 -0.0175750
143.5 -11.5 2022-04-09 22:00:54 4022992317 Caretta caretta 29.93064 34.55591 -0.0967079 0.1442562
143.5 -10.5 2022-04-14 06:31:48 4022992321 Caretta caretta 29.47597 34.41768 -0.0409690 0.0776469
143.5 -9.5 2022-04-21 10:30:09 4022992305 Caretta caretta 29.56355 34.19133 0.0587259 0.0340937

Hooray! We now have our combined dataset of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle tracking detections and the corresponding eReefs daily aggregated data (Table 3).

Strydom A. 2022. Wreck Rock Turtle Care - satellite tracking. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP; originated from Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT). DOI: 10.15468/k4s6ap accessed via on 2023-02-17.