Species Sensitivity Data provided by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation of Australia for nickel in fresh water.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 31 rows and 6 columns.


These data were sourced from: Stauber J, Golding L, Peters A, Merrington G, Adams M, Binet M, Batley G, Gissi F, Mcknight K, Garman E, Middleton E, Gadd J, Schlekat C (2021). “Environmental Toxicology Application of Bioavailability Models to Derive Chronic Guideline Values for Nickel in Freshwaters of Australia and New Zealand.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40(1), 100--112. doi: 10.1002/etc.4885 , https://setac.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/etc.4885.

The columns are as follows:


The chemical concentration (dbl).


Tropical, temperate or other filter (chr).


Taxonomic grouping information (chr).


Other notes (chr).


The species names name (chr).


Endpoint statistic, EC10, NEC etc (chr).

Where toxicity measure is not a chronic NEC, EC10 or NOEC value, concentration has been converted using the appropriate default ratio, as follows: 10 from acute EC50/LC50 to chronic EC10; 5 from chronic EC50 to EC10; 2.5 from LOEC to EC10. Please see the primary reference material for more information. All concentration data are ug/L unless otherwise stated.


print(csiro_nickel_fresh, n=Inf)
#> # A tibble: 31 × 6
#>      Conc Domain    Group                   Notes    Species       Test_endpoint
#>     <dbl> <chr>     <chr>                   <chr>    <chr>         <chr>        
#>  1   1.4  temperate Mollusc (snail)         none     Lymnaea stag… EC10         
#>  2   1.52 temperate Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Ceriodaphnia… EC10/LOEC    
#>  3   3.63 temperate Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Alona affinis LC50         
#>  4   8.49 temperate Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Ceriodaphnia… EC10         
#>  5  11.0  temperate Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Peracantha t… EC10         
#>  6  12    temperate Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Daphnia magna EC10         
#>  7  13.9  temperate Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Ceriodaphnia… EC10         
#>  8  14.4  temperate Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Simocephalus… EC10         
#>  9  17.6  temperate Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Simocephalus… EC10         
#> 10  36    temperate Microalga (diatom)      none     Navicula pel… EC10         
#> 11  39.0  temperate Microalga (green alga)  geomean  Pseudokirchn… EC10         
#> 12  40.9  temperate Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Daphnia long… EC10         
#> 13  62    temperate Fish                    lowest … Salmo gairdn… NOEL         
#> 14 213.   temperate Fish                    geomean  Pimephales p… NOEC         
#> 15 306.   temperate Insect (chironomid)     none     Chironomus t… EC10         
#> 16   3.5  tropical  Macrophyte (duckweed)   none     Lemna aequin… EC10         
#> 17   7.95 tropical  Microalga (green alga)  geomean  Pseudokirchn… EC10         
#> 18   8.2  tropical  Macrophyte (duckweed)   none     Lemna minor   EC10         
#> 19  11.4  tropical  Microalga (green alga)  geomean  Scenedesmus … EC10         
#> 20  12.6  tropical  Microalga (green alga)  geomean  Desmodesmus … EC10         
#> 21  19.3  tropical  Cnidarian (hydra)       geomean  Hydra viridi… EC10         
#> 22  22.1  tropical  Microalga (green alga)  geomean  Spermatozops… EC10         
#> 23  23.0  tropical  Microalga (green alga)  geomean  Pediastrum d… EC10         
#> 24  28.2  tropical  Microalga (green alga)  geomean  Ankistrodesm… EC10         
#> 25  30    tropical  Fish                    none     Melanotaenia… EC10         
#> 26  34.5  tropical  Microalga (green alga)  geomean  Chlamydomona… EC10         
#> 27  61.2  tropical  Microalga (green alga)  geomean  Coelastrum m… EC10         
#> 28  76.5  tropical  Mollusc (snail)         geomean  Chlorella sp… EC10         
#> 29  79.0  tropical  Crustacean (water flea) geomean  Desmodesmus … EC10         
#> 30 104.   tropical  Crustacean (water flea) none     Brachionus c… EC10         
#> 31 148    tropical  Crustacean (water flea) none     Chlorella sp… EC10