Species Sensitivity Data provided by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation of Australia for cobalt in marine water.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 14 rows and 7 columns.


These data were sourced from: Batley G (2021). “Unpublished data, anonymous/confidential information.” March 23.

The columns are as follows:


The chemical concentration (dbl).


Test duration (chr).


Taxonomic grouping information (chr).


Life stage of the test organism (chr).


The species names name (chr).


Endpoint statistic, EC10, NEC etc (chr).


Type of toxicity measure used (chr).

Where toxicity measure is not a chronic NEC, EC10 or NOEC value, concentration has been converted using the appropriate default ratio, as follows: 10 from acute EC50/LC50 to chronic EC10; 5 from chronic EC50 to EC10; 2.5 from LOEC to EC10. Please see the primary reference material for more information. All concentration data are ug/L unless otherwise stated.


print(csiro_cobalt_marine, n=Inf)
#> # A tibble: 14 × 7
#>        Conc Duration Group  Life_stage   Species  Test_endpoint Toxicity_measure
#>       <dbl> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>        <chr>    <chr>         <chr>           
#>  1   590    72       Diatom Exponential… Skeleto… EC10          Chronic         
#>  2   408    96       Diatom Exponential… Nitzsch… EC50          Chronic         
#>  3   880    96       Diatom Exponential… Chaetoc… EC50          Chronic         
#>  4 12000    96       Green… Exponential… Dunalie… EC10          Chronic         
#>  5  2480    96       Green… Exponential… Platymo… EC50          Chronic         
#>  6     1.23 48       Red a… Adult branc… Champia… EC10          Chronic         
#>  7   206    113 d    Annel… Post-emerge… Neanthe… EC10          Chronic         
#>  8  2760    52 d     Mollu… Adult        Idotea … LC50          Chronic         
#>  9  1660    48       Mollu… Larvae       Crassos… EC10          Chronic         
#> 10   968    48       Echin… Embryos      Mytilus… EC10          Chronic         
#> 11  1790    72       Echin… Embryos      Dendras… EC10          Chronic         
#> 12    42    96       Cnida… Larvae       Strongy… EC10          Chronic         
#> 13 31800    28 d     Fish   Lacerate     Aiptasi… EC10          Chronic         
#> 14  2000    28 d     Isopod Freshly fer… Cyprino… EC10          Chronic