Species Sensitivity Data provided by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation of Australia for chlorine in marine water.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 30 rows and 2 columns.


These data were sourced from: Batley GE, Simpson SL (2020). “Short-Term Guideline Values for Chlorine in Marine Waters.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ISSN 15528618, https://setac.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/etc.4661.

The columns are as follows:


The chemical concentration (dbl).


Taxonomic grouping information (chr).

Where toxicity measure is not a chronic NEC, EC10 or NOEC value, concentration has been converted using the appropriate default ratio, as follows: 10 from acute EC50/LC50 to chronic EC10; 5 from chronic EC50 to EC10; 2.5 from LOEC to EC10. Please see the primary reference material for more information. All concentration data are ug/L unless otherwise stated.


print(csiro_chlorine_marine, n=Inf)
#> # A tibble: 30 × 2
#>      Conc Group     
#>     <dbl> <chr>     
#>  1   90   Rotifer   
#>  2  687   Amphipod  
#>  3  145   Amphipod  
#>  4  178   Shrimp    
#>  5 2890   Lobster   
#>  6  162   Mysid     
#>  7   90   Shrimp    
#>  8  134   Shrimp    
#>  9 1420   Crab      
#> 10   54   Fish      
#> 11   24   Fish      
#> 12   32   Fish      
#> 13   65   Fish      
#> 14  167   Fish      
#> 15   71   Fish      
#> 16   82   Fish      
#> 17   73   Fish      
#> 18    5   Sea urchin
#> 19    6.4 Sea urchin
#> 20   25   Oyster    
#> 21   29   Copepod   
#> 22  220   Shrimp    
#> 23   68   Mysid     
#> 24   37   Fish      
#> 25  270   Fish      
#> 26   80   Fish      
#> 27  270   Fish      
#> 28  200   Fish      
#> 29  240   Fish      
#> 30  135   Fish