Species Sensitivity Data from the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment for glyphosate.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 18 rows and 5 columns.


Additional information is available from (2021). “CCME.” May 06, https://ccme.ca/en/chemical/102.

The columns are as follows:


The chemical (chr).


The species binomial name (chr).


The chemical concentration (dbl).


The taxonomic group (fct).


The units of Conc (chr).


print(ccme_glyphosate, n=Inf)
#> # A tibble: 18 × 5
#>    Chemical   Species                           Conc Group        Units
#>    <chr>      <chr>                            <dbl> <fct>        <chr>
#>  1 Glyphosate Oncorhynchus kisutch            130000 Fish         ug/L 
#>  2 Glyphosate Oncorhynchus mykiss             150000 Fish         ug/L 
#>  3 Glyphosate Pimephales promelas              25700 Fish         ug/L 
#>  4 Glyphosate Ceriodaphnia dubia               65000 Invertebrate ug/L 
#>  5 Glyphosate Daphnia magna                    10487 Invertebrate ug/L 
#>  6 Glyphosate Hyalella azteca                  20500 Invertebrate ug/L 
#>  7 Glyphosate Pseudosuccinea columella          3162 Invertebrate ug/L 
#>  8 Glyphosate Anabaena flosaquae               12000 Plant        ug/L 
#>  9 Glyphosate Chlorella pyrenoidosa             3530 Plant        ug/L 
#> 10 Glyphosate Chlorella vulgaris                4696 Plant        ug/L 
#> 11 Glyphosate Lemna gibba                       1587 Plant        ug/L 
#> 12 Glyphosate Myriophyllum sibiricum            1474 Plant        ug/L 
#> 13 Glyphosate Navicula pelliculosa              1800 Plant        ug/L 
#> 14 Glyphosate Potamogeton pectinatus            3162 Plant        ug/L 
#> 15 Glyphosate Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata  10000 Plant        ug/L 
#> 16 Glyphosate Scenedesmus acutus                2820 Plant        ug/L 
#> 17 Glyphosate Scenedesmus obliquus             55858 Plant        ug/L 
#> 18 Glyphosate Scenedesmus quadricauda           1090 Plant        ug/L