ANZG Species Sensitivity Data provided by the Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment, Australia for metolachlor in fresh water.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 21 rows and 10 columns.


These data are licensed under CC BY 4.0 (summary of terms provided here: Additional information is available from the Water Quality website at

Please cite these data as: ANZG (2020). “Toxicant default guideline values for aquatic ecosystem protection: Metolachlor in freshwater.” Australian and New Zealand Governments and Australian State and Territory Governments, Canberra, Australia.

The columns are as follows:


The chemical concentration in micrograms per Litre (dbl).


The duration of the test in days (dbl).


The Genus name (chr).


The taxonomic group (chr).


Life stage of the test organism (chr).


Other notes (chr).


The Phylum name (chr).


The species binomial name (chr).


The test endpoint measure (chr).


The toxicity measure used (chr).

Where toxicity measure is not a chronic NEC, EC10 or NOEC value, concentration has been converted using the appropriate default ratio, as follows: 10 from acute EC50/LC50 to chronic EC10; 5 from chronic EC50 to EC10; 2.5 from LOEC to EC10. Please see the primary reference material for more information.


print(anzg_metolachlor_fresh, n=Inf)
#> # A tibble: 21 × 10
#>       Conc Duration Genus  Group  Life_stage Notes  Phylum Species Test_endpoint
#>      <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>  <chr>      <chr>  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>        
#>  1 6528           4 Achna… Diatom Exponenti… Speci… Bacil… minuti… Cell density 
#>  2  240           5 Anaba… Blueg… Not stated NA     Cyano… flosaq… Biomass yiel…
#>  3   14          14 Cerat… Macro… Not stated Speci… Trach… demers… Wet weight   
#>  4  228           4 Chlam… Green… Not stated Speci… Chlor… reinha… Chlorophyll-…
#>  5    1           4 Chlor… Green… Exponenti… Speci… Chlor… pyreno… Chlorophyll-…
#>  6 4016           4 Crati… Diatom Exponenti… Speci… Bacil… accomo… Chlorophyll-…
#>  7  925           4 Cyclo… Diatom Exponenti… Speci… Bacil… menegh… Cell density 
#>  8  224          21 Daphn… Macro… <24 hour … NA     Arthr… magna   Young per fe…
#>  9  471          14 Elodea Macro… Not stated Speci… Trach… canade… Wet weight   
#> 10 1048           4 Encyo… Diatom Exponenti… Speci… Bacil… silesi… Chlorophyll-…
#> 11   90           4 Fragi… Diatom Not stated Speci… Bacil… capuci… Chlorophyll-…
#> 12    1           7 Gomph… Diatom Exponenti… Speci… Bacil… gracile Live cell de…
#> 13 6384           4 Gomph… Diatom Exponenti… NA     Bacil… parvul… Chlorophyll-…
#> 14    8.4        14 Lemna  Macro… Stage 3 (… NA     Trach… gibba   Frond number 
#> 15  863           4 Mayam… Diatom Exponenti… NA     Bacil… fossal… Chlorophyll-…
#> 16   48.4        14 Najas  Macro… Not stated NA     Trach… sp.     Wet weight   
#> 17   76           5 Navic… Diatom Not stated Speci… Bacil… pellic… Biomass yiel…
#> 18  640          35 Pimep… Fish   Early lif… NA     Chord… promel… Mortality    
#> 19   27.4         3 Pseud… Green… Not stated Also … Chlor… subcap… Cell density 
#> 20    0.53        2 Scene… Green… Exponenti… NA     Chlor… vacuol… Cell density 
#> 21   27           4 Ulnar… Diatom Exponenti… Speci… Bacil… ulna    Chlorophyll-…
#> # … with 1 more variable: Toxicity_measure <chr>