Species Sensitivity Data provided by the Australian Institute of Marine Science for molybdenum in marine water.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 14 rows and 9 columns.


These data were sourced from: van Dam JW, Trenfield MA, Streten C, Harford AJ, Parry D, van Dam RA (2018). “Water quality guideline values for aluminium, gallium and molybdenum in marine environments.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(26), 26592--26602. ISSN 16147499, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-018-2702-y.

The columns are as follows:


The species common name (chr).


The chemical concentration in micrograms per Litre (dbl).


Tropical, temperate or other filter (chr).


Life stage of the test organism (chr).


The Phylum name (chr).


The endpoint primary data source (chr).


The species names name (chr).


Endpoint statistic, EC10, NEC etc (chr).


Type of toxicity measure used (chr).


print(aims_molybdenum_marine, n=Inf)
#> # A tibble: 14 × 9
#>    Common       Conc Domain Life_stage Phylum  Source   Species    Test_endpoint
#>    <chr>       <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>   <chr>    <chr>      <chr>        
#>  1 Green mi…  881000 Tempe… NA         Chloro… (Heijer… Dunaliell… EC10         
#>  2 Diatom     170000 Tempe… NA         Bacill… (Heijer… Phaeodact… EC10         
#>  3 Red alga   274000 Tempe… Adult      Rhodop… (Heijer… Ceramium … EC10         
#>  4 Pacific … 1170000 Tempe… Embryo     Mollus… (Heijer… Crassostr… EC10         
#>  5 Blue mus…    4400 Tempe… Embryo     Mollus… (Morgan… Mytilus e… EC10         
#>  6 Copepod      7960 Tempe… Embryo     Crusta… (Heijer… Acartia t… EC10         
#>  7 Purple s…  326000 Tempe… Embryo     Echino… (Heijer… Strongylo… EC10         
#>  8 Pacific …  234000 Tempe… Embryo     Echino… (Heijer… Dendraste… EC10         
#>  9 Golden m…    9500 Tropi… NA         Haptop… (Trenfi… Tisochrys… NOEC         
#> 10 Dog whelk    7000 Tropi… Larva      Mollus… (Trenfi… Nassarius… NOEC         
#> 11 Australi…   10000 Tropi… Zoea       Crusta… (van Da… Coenobita… NOEC         
#> 12 Striped …    9000 Tropi… Nauplius   Crusta… (van Da… Amphibala… NOEC         
#> 13 Mysid sh…  116000 Tropi… Larva      Crusta… (Heijer… Americamy… NOEC         
#> 14 Sheepshe…   84100 Tropi… Embryo     Chorda… (Heijer… Cyprinodo… EC10         
#> # … with 1 more variable: Toxicity_measure <chr>