The GBRMPA delineation as published in the guidelines are: Enclosed Coastal (Queensland Water Quality Guidelines); Open Coastal (AIMS description of coastal water body relative distance from Research Publication no. 89); Midshelf (AIMS description of inner shelf water body relative distance from Research Publication no. 89); and Offshsore (AIMS description of relative distance from Research Publication no. 89) Coral Sea taken from DEWHA definition of current Coral Sea Conservation Park. All data is based on the GDA2020 coordinate system.


A Simple Features data.frame with 485 rows and 16 variables:

  • typesource:

  • MarineWate:

  • UniqueID:

  • chl_annnua:

  • chl_50th:

  • chl_80th:

  • TSS_annual:

  • TSS_50th:

  • TSS_80th:

  • chl_source:

  • TSS_source:

  • Lat_DD:

  • Lon_DD:

  • Shape_STAr:

  • Shape_STLe:

  • geometry:


Data kindly provided by: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Data Administrator Spatial Data Centre PO Box 1379 Townsville, QLD 4810 Australia

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority requests attribution in the following manner: Copyright (c) Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 2020. This product is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Updated data available at Under CC BY 4.0, users are free to share and adapt the data under the following conditions:

  • They must give appropriate credit

  • Provide a link to the license

  • Indicate if any changes were made, and

  • They may not apply any additional restrictions that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.