Loading Results

Loading ReefModEngine Results

Results from ReefModEngine.jl can be loaded with the load_results function.

rs = ADRIA.load_results(RMEResultSet, "<path to data dir>")

Expected data directory structure:

│       CONNECT_ACRO_2010_11.bin
│       CONNECT_ACRO_2011_12.bin
│       CONNECT_ACRO_2012_13.bin
│       CONNECT_ACRO_2014_15.bin
│       CONNECT_ACRO_2015_16.bin
│       CONNECT_ACRO_2016_17.bin
│       id_list_2023_03_30.csv
│       reefmod_gbr.gpkg

In order to reduce the duplication of geospatial and conectivity data, the data directory and results directory can be supplied seperately to avoid having copies for each resuilt set analysed.

rs = ADRIA.load_domain(RMEResultSet, "<path to data dir>", "<path to results dir>")